Victoria, British Columbia, Phone: 250-744-1731

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What Might be a Challenge for an ESTP?

By Donna Dunning Having coached several people with ESTP preferences through career and learning processes, I noticed they prefer activity to reflection and practical applications more than theoretical knowledge. Action and Reflection I have previously discussed the importance of ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESFP

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction -“Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a response ... Continue Reading

Personality Type Development

By Donna Dunning What is your typical personality type development pattern? You have a preferred approach Everyone has a most preferred approach or dominant function working in tandem with a secondary, auxiliary function. Together, these two functions guide people as they take in ... Continue Reading

How one ESFP learned to minimize distractions

By Donna Dunning Here is a story from my website by a reader with ESFP preferences. The story shows how the woman learned to deal with distraction and separate her home and work roles. Personality Type: ESFP “When I jumped into the fast paced world of sales, I experienced diffi ... Continue Reading

Graduation Trials and Tribulations

By Donna Dunning Perhaps you completed your educational program this spring. If so, congratulations! Completing school requires hard work, dedication, and persistence. Graduation is a major accomplishment and a positive experience, but like any other life change, it is a time for ... Continue Reading

Teaching to all Types

By Donna Dunning The task of accommodating diverse learning styles when teaching can be daunting. It is natural to fall back on your own learning preferences. However, trainers and teachers need to actively plan to meet the diverse learning needs of all participants. Think about ... Continue Reading

Personality Type and Building Resilience to Stress ...

By Donna Dunning This is the first in a nine part series that describes typical stress response patterns linked to personality type preferences. Steps for building resilience People can thrive under an optimal level of stress. However, too much stress may trigger a wide range of ... Continue Reading

Developing Your Type – ESFP

By Donna Dunning ESFP Compassionate Responder: Act and Adapt “Consider it done.” 8.5% of the population Type Dynamics for the ESFP Dominant (Se): Outwardly acting on the facts and details of the immediate situation Auxiliary (Fi): Inwardly choosing actions according to their ... Continue Reading

Personality Type and Learning: ESFP

By Donna Dunning Compassionate Responder (ESFP) “Consider it done.” Our personality type preferences link to how and what we prefer to learn. In my booklet, Introduction to Type and Learning, I describe how each of your four preferences (E/I, S/N, T/F and J/P) link to your le ... Continue Reading

Developing Your Type – ESTP

By Donna Dunning ESTP Logical Responder: Act and Adapt “It’s easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.” 4.3% of the population Type Dynamics for the ESTP Dominant (Se): Outwardly acting on the facts and details of the immediate situation Auxiliary (Ti): Inwardly logica ... Continue Reading