Victoria, British Columbia, Phone: 250-744-1731

Search Results

Illustrations of Type – ESTJ and ENTJ

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction – “Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESTJ and ENTJ

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction – “Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESTJ

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction – “Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESTJ

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction – “Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESTJ and ENTJ

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction -“Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a response ... Continue Reading

SJ Temperament and Careers

By Donna Dunning Career focus is contribution to a group or project   Animal Metaphor: Beaver       Although S and J are letters associated with personality type theory, these two preferences also align to an older theory, which describes four basic human Te ... Continue Reading

NT Temperament and Careers

By Donna Dunning Career focus is knowledge and competency   Animal Metaphor: Owl       Although N and T are letters associated with personality type theory, these two preferences also align to an older theory, which describes four basic human Temperaments. ... Continue Reading

Thriving in Change: Tips for ESTJs and ENTJs

By Donna Dunning The Expeditor’s (ESTJ and ENTJ) greatest strength, and also their biggest weakness, in times of change is quickly deciding what to do and doing it. Expeditors generally react to change by analyzing and critiquing. If you are an Expeditor, you may be resistant w ... Continue Reading

Finding the Motivation to Grow Your Career ENTJ

By Donna Dunning Insightful Expeditor People who have preferences for ENTJ tend to focus their attention in the outer world by taking action to achieve a goal, using Extraverted Thinking (Te) as their dominant function. They are most engaged when their actions are organized, effe ... Continue Reading

Finding the Motivation to Grow Your Career ESTJ

By Donna Dunning Practical Expeditors People who have preferences for ESTJ tend to focus their attention in the outer world by taking action to achieve a result, using Extraverted Thinking (Te) as their dominant function. They are most engaged when their actions are organized, ef ... Continue Reading