Victoria, British Columbia, Phone: 250-744-1731

Search Results

Illustrations of Type – ESFP and ESTP

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction -“Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a response ... Continue Reading

SP Temperament and Careers

By Donna Dunning Career focus is on doing   Animal Metaphor: Fox     Although S and P are letters associated with personality type theory, these two preferences also align to an older theory, which describes four basic human Temperaments. You may be familiar wit ... Continue Reading

Thriving in Change: Tips for ESTPs and ESFPs

By Donna Dunning In times of change, the Responder’s (ESTP and ESFP) immediate and practical focus is their greatest strength and also their biggest weakness. When faced with changes, Responders react by being highly flexible. If you are a Responder, you may be resistant when ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESFP

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction -“Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a response ... Continue Reading

Finding the Motivation to Grow Your Career ESFP

By Donna Dunning Compassionate Responder People who have preferences for ESFP tend to focus their attention in the outer world of actions and interactions, using Extraverted Sensing (Se) as their dominant function. They like to observe the world around them and take immediate act ... Continue Reading

Spotlight on ESTP

By Donna Dunning ESTP Logical Responder Motto: “It’s easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission.” When creating type resources, one of my goals is to offer practical descriptions and examples to help people understand each of the different patterns of personality type pr ... Continue Reading

Spotlight on ESFP

By Donna Dunning ESFP Compassionate Responders Motto: “Consider it done.” When creating type resources, one of my goals is to offer practical descriptions and examples to help people understand each of the different patterns of personality type preferences. One way I have don ... Continue Reading

Illustrations of Type – ESTP and ESFP

By Donna Dunning In my MBTI® Certification workshops participants respond to the instruction -“Describe your type using words, phrases, or pictures.” I find these visual representations of type preferences help illustrate individual differences. Here is a photo of a response ... Continue Reading

What Might be a Challenge for an ESFP?

By Donna Dunning People who prefer ESFP (Responder) enjoy action, interaction, and distractions. Often highly sociable, they are quick to join or initiate a fun activity. As one Responder commented to me: “I will always go to coffee when someone asks me to join them. No task is ... Continue Reading

Type Statistics: INTJ and INFJ Visionaries

By Donna Dunning Interpret and Implement Individuals with these personality type preferences have a dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni). Together, people with preferences for INTJ and INFJ comprised 3.6% of the national representative sample of personality type prefe ... Continue Reading