Victoria, British Columbia, Phone: 250-744-1731

Search Results

SP Temperament and Careers

By Donna Dunning Career focus is on doing   Animal Metaphor: Fox     Although S and P are letters associated with personality type theory, these two preferences also align to an older theory, which describes four basic human Temperaments. You may be familiar wit ... Continue Reading

Analyzers: Typical Strengths and Work Preferences

By Donna Dunning Personality type preferences ISTP and INTP Characteristic Strengths • Adaptable • Flexible • Analytical • Self-reliant • Independent Work Preferences • Internally questioning and analyzing why and how things are done • Finding out how and why things ... Continue Reading

Type Trivia

By Donna Dunning Which 3 four-letter types did psychologists rate as most likely to have trouble in school? OK, I don’t really like negative stereotypes or talking about what types might not do well. However, I can see how the structured, hierarchical, traditional approach used ... Continue Reading

Type Trivia

By Donna Dunning Which 2 type letters are shared by almost half of the US population? The most common type in the US national representative sample is ISFJ (13.6% of the sample). However, this is only the most common type for women. For males, there are more ISTJs (16.4 % of the ... Continue Reading

Big Head Small Legs

By Donna Dunning A workshop participant with ISTP preferences created this “big head small legs” doodle and shared it with me. The character represents the individual’s annoyance with lengthy processes, especially theoretical and abstract ones, with lots of talk and very li ... Continue Reading

Why Work? (Part lll)

By Donna Dunning What motivates you to get up and work each day? The answer to this question can help you position yourself in work that meets your physical and psychological needs. Psychologists have spent considerable time trying to figure out the meaning of work in people’s ... Continue Reading


By Donna Dunning Personality Type Gifts: ISTP Isabel Briggs Myers wrote the book Gifts Differing: Understanding Personality Type, describing the value of all combinations of personality type preferences. I respect her vision and strive to appreciate and celebrate all personality ... Continue Reading

Type Statistics: INTJ and INFJ Visionaries

By Donna Dunning Interpret and Implement Individuals with these personality type preferences have a dominant function of Introverted Intuition (Ni). Together, people with preferences for INTJ and INFJ comprised 3.6% of the national representative sample of personality type prefe ... Continue Reading

What Might be a Challenge for an INTP?

By Donna Dunning People with INTP preferences are usually curious and motivated to solve problems and figure things out. However, they can quickly lose interest when a problem is solved. One man I interviewed told me he often forgot to follow-through once a situation had lost its ... Continue Reading

Type Statistics: ISFP and INFP Enhancers

By Donna Dunning Care and Connect Individuals with these personality type preferences have a dominant function of Introverted Feeling (Fi). Together, people with preferences for ISFP and INFP comprised 13.2 % of the national representative sample of personality type preferences ... Continue Reading